MAY 1st - Downtown West Gathering - Students and workers united against austerity

Date de l'événement: 

01 Mai 2015

Austerity measures target all of us! On May 1st, let’s express our collective resistance!

Education, health, childcare, and many other sectors are facing a massive disengagement from the state. Despite claims from so-called political leaders, austerity has revealed its dehumanizing face; the elimination of thousands of jobs for nurses and teachers, the removal of meal programs for children in daycare programs, the inevitable increase of tuition fees and the privatization of higher education.

The reality is that a few individuals whose corruption becomes more egregious day by day, collude with the interests of financial institutions and corporate lobbies in order to impose their own vision of a commodified society,

The people, the majority, do not benefit from any of this. Wealth has been taken from social services and redistributed to big banks, corporations and environmentally destructive companies. The enormous amount of public funds being funneled into the ecologically decimating and socially exploitative Plan Nord ‘development’ clearly demonstrates this neoliberal agenda.

Faced with these deliberate attacks against public services; students, unions, community organizations and citizen groups have decided to collectively organize to denounce these cuts, to resist them, and to create alternatives.

May 1st, 2015 will mark the beginning of our offensive. It’s time to unite, to rise up and to take our fight to the streets!

Join us at Norman Bethune Square (corner Guy and Maisonneuve) at 5PM.

Resist Austerity!