Documentation sur la brutalité policière

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Date de l'événement: 

25 Novembre 2011

When I was arrested at Occupy Montreal on the 25th of November 2011 They were taking my information. They wrote on my hand with a permanent marker and then after I felt something pointy and metallic scraping across my skin. I immediately asked "What are you doing" and they simply said we wrote on you with a pen and showed me a bunch of various pens in her hand. I didn't argue about it and I was unable to look at my hands as they were tied behind my back with zipties. As soon as I was released I looked at my hands and there was no ink on them from a pen.

Brutalité policière à la manif du 31 mars 2011

Date de l'événement: 

31 Mars 2011

Pendant la manifestions contre la hausse des frais de scolarité du 31 mars 2011, un policier pousse une dame qui magasine sur le sol, sans lui venir en aide par la suite. Ceci après avoir chargé la manifestation d'appui à une occupation, les deux complètement pacifiques. This is what democracy looks like. Après que la dame soit tombé, des étudiants ont commencé à l'aider, j'ai donc prit cette opportunité pour prendre en 'note' les matricules des policiers (les numéros sur leurs casques)

Une jeune femme projetée contre parcomètre

Date de l'événement: 

07 Septembre 2011

A police intervention in Montreal on Wednesday night around 11pm the 7th of September 2011. Around 8 cars and 30 cops that will arrest 3 guys, hit some of them, pepper spay a guy and push a girl really hard on a post.
